Imagine opening your pool in the springtime with ease! No more messy pool covers! No more dirty, leaf-filled pool water!

The Pool-Tree™ system was designed to hold swimming pool covers above the pool water line using a unique ball system. The harness held ball holds the supports allowing control over the cover movement, and therefore controlling the "crater" effect. In the winter, snow accumulation increases weight on the porous pool cover, causing the unique expandable supports to stretch out and lower the cover into the pool water.

As the snow melts, water passes through the porous cover, reducing the load on the expandable supports allowing them to lift the cover up to its original position; "above the water level". When the wind blows, the cover dries and debris is wisped away, leaving the pool cover debris free and dry. It's fantastic! Come spring time, all you have to do is remove the dry cover and begin your normal spring pool opening routine.

We know you'll agree that once the proven Pool-Tree System is set up, you will have more time for yourself, freeing you from otherwise having to pump out the murky mess.


PoolTree System, Above Ground, Winter Cover, Support Ball, Pillow, Winter Cover Support, Winter pillow, cover pillow, pool tree, pool winterization, pool closing, pool chore